Custom Volunteer Activities and Volunteer Services Report

Axxess Hospice now enables organizations to create a custom list of administrative volunteer activities and generate reporting to verify fulfillment of the 5% volunteer requirement. By consolidating all volunteer activities and tasks in one report, this functionality helps organizations streamline operations and stay compliant.

Users must have permission to create custom volunteer activities in Axxess Hospice.

Volunteer Activity Permissions

To give a user permission to create and manage custom volunteer activities, edit the user’s profile and navigate to the Permissions tab. In the Administration section, select View, Add, Edit and Delete next to the Volunteer Activities permission. Click Save to finish granting the permissions to the user.

People tab ➜ People Center ➜ Edit ➜ Permissions tab ➜ Administration section ➜ Volunteer Activities ➜ View/Add/Edit/Delete ➜ Save

Add Volunteer Activities

To create a custom volunteer activity, navigate to the + menu in the top-right corner of the screen and select Volunteer Activity.

➜ Volunteer Activity

Complete the fields in the Add Activity window and click Save.

Once all required fields have been saved, the activity will appear in the Volunteer Activities list and will be available for scheduling. To access the Volunteer Activities list, navigate to the list menu ( ) and select Volunteer Activities.

➜ Volunteer Activities

Users can edit, deactivate and reactivate volunteer activities as needed. Activities can be deactivated and reactivated for the current date or future dates.

Schedule Volunteer Activities

To schedule a volunteer activity for an employee, the employee’s user profile must include the volunteer employment type. To schedule a volunteer activity, navigate to the employee’s schedule and click Add Activity.

Schedule tab ➜ Employee Schedule ➜ Add Activity

Complete the fields in the Add Activity window and click Save Activity.

Once the activity is scheduled to a volunteer, the volunteer can document the following information:

The Volunteer Activity note includes time validations that prevent users from entering overlapping visit and travel times. The note can also be downloaded or printed and does not flow to the QA Center, Pending Co-Signature screen or payroll. Volunteer activities flow to the new Volunteer Services Report in the Report Center.

Volunteer Services Report

The Volunteer Services Report is a comprehensive tracking report of all volunteer services that have been documented in Axxess Hospice. This report enables organizations to view the percentage of total patient care hours provided by volunteers.

To access the Volunteer Services Report, navigate to the Report Center under the Reports tab. In the Statistical Reports section, select Volunteer Services Report.

Reports tab ➜ Report Center ➜ Statistical Reports ➜ Volunteer Services Report

The report displays a list of all activities provided by volunteers for a given date range. The summary at the top of the report displays the total number of volunteer hours, total patient care hours, percentage of volunteer hours, cost savings rate and number of volunteer hours over/under the 5% threshold.

The report includes the following columns and can be exported to Excel:

Updated on 04/07/2022