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HIS Submission Training Manual



Home/HIS Export Manager


Users can manage the exporting of HIS documents from the Pending Approval, Export Ready and Export History tabs.


In each tab search for patients by name in the search bar and/or change the date range of HIS by selecting the date range bar.




Pending Approval

Where the reviewer will review and make changes to the HIS as needed. The reviewer will be able to sign in Z0400 for any changes he makes as well as be able to approve the HIS and sign in Z0500 that the HIS is completed. After the HIS is approved, it will be moved to the Export Ready tab. Admission HIS will have a countdown for approval of admission date + 14 days, and the Discharge HIS will have a countdown for approval of discharge date + 7 days.


The dots next to each line represent timing of when HIS is due.   

Red is overdue, orange is nearly due and green is safe to approve.


Each line will show the Days Remaining, Patient name (selected will go to patient chart), Payer, Type (selected will go to HIS), Admit/Discharge Date and Last Modified On. The Action column hyperlinks allow users to Approve, Edit or Print the HIS.


Approve multiple HIS documents by selecting the checkbox(es) on the left side of the page and then select the "Approve Selected" button in the top right.



Export Ready

Where all HIS awaiting export are located. The countdown for submission is 30 days after the admission or discharge date. Users can create export files of individual files or perform a bulk submission. Once the files are downloaded into the appropriate format, they are found in Downloaded Files on the user's computer. From there, submit the HIS per agency guidelines and then return to this page to mark HIS as Submitted.


Each line will show the Days Remaining, Patient name (selected will go to patient chart), Payer, Type, Admit/Discharge Date and Approved Date. The Action column hyperlinks allow users to Mark as Exported, Generate HIS File or Print.


Mark multiple HIS documents as exported or generate multiple HIS files by selecting the checkbox(es) on the left side of the page and then select the "Mark Selected as Exported" or "Generate HIS File" button in the top right.



Export History

Where users can mark if a HIS was rejected or accepted. Users can also create modifications or inactivate a HIS. A difference in the filter criteria in this tab is to filter for the status us HIS whether Exported or Not Exported.


Each line will show the Patient name (selected will go to patient chart), Payer, Type, Status, Admit/Discharge Date and Exported Date. The Action column hyperlinks allow users to Generate Cancel, Make a Correction, Update Status or Print.



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