Primary Payer for Private Pay Clients

Axxess Home Care now enables users to identify clients’ contacts as primary payers for private pay clients. When a client’s contact is marked as the primary payer, Axxess Home Care will automatically populate the contact’s name and address on private pay invoices.

This functionality streamlines billing operations and reduces the biller’s workload to position organizations for lasting financial success.

To identify a client’s contact as the primary payer, the client’s payer type must be marked as private or self-pay in the payer’s setup.

Mark Payer as Private/Self-Pay

To mark a payer as private or self-pay, navigate to the Payment Sources list under the View tab and edit the payer. In the Information section of the payer setup screen, select Private or Self-Pay from the Payer Type menu.

View tab ➜ Lists ➜ Payment Sources ➜ Edit ➜ Payer Type ➜ Private/Self-Pay

To use the client’s contact as a payer, scroll to the Payer Information section and select Use client contact payer address as billing address. Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save the payer settings.

Mark Client Contact as Primary Payer

To identify a client contact as the client’s primary payer, navigate to the Client Contacts tab in the client’s profile. In the Address section, select Mark as Primary Payer. Click Update to finish marking the client’s contact as the primary payer.

Clients tab ➜ Client Center ➜ Edit ➜ Client Contacts tab ➜ Edit ➜ Mark as Primary Payer ➜ Update

Once a contact is marked as the primary payer, the contact’s name and address will populate in the Bill To fields for private pay invoices. If no contact is marked as primary, the client’s name and address will populate in the Bill To fields by default.

Updated on 04/07/2021