Delete Visits After Discharge

Axxess CARE now enables users to streamline discharge processes and enhance operational efficiency by automatically deleting visits after a patient is discharged. To automatically delete visits after a patient’s discharge date, organizations must enable the Delete Visits After Discharge feature in Axxess Home Health.

Once this feature is enabled, visits scheduled after a patient’s discharge date will automatically be deleted on Axxess CARE. For instructions on enabling this feature, click here.

Deleted Visit Alerts

If a visit scheduled after a patient’s discharge date has already been assigned to a clinician on Axxess CARE, the visit will be unassigned and the clinician will be notified. Clinicians who are unassigned from visits will receive a text message and dashboard alert notifying them of this change.

Text Message:

Dashboard Alert:

Click on the dashboard alert to open the visit’s details. Users can also view visits that have been automatically deleted by filtering the All Visits screen by Removed status.

View Deleted Visits

To view a list of visits that have been automatically deleted, navigate to the Visits tab and select History. In the Status filter, select Removed to view a list of all removed visits.

Visits tab ➜ History ➜ Status filter ➜ Removed

Click on a visit to view the visit details.

View Details for Deleted Visits

In the top right corner of the visit screen, visits deleted automatically are labeled:

Removed by Axxess Automation on [DATE] [TIME]

An orange alert appears on the clinician tile. Hover over the alert to view the Unassigned label and reason.

Click View Activity Log in the top right corner of the visit screen to view activity details.

The activity log displays Axxess Automation in the User column to indicate that the visit was deleted automatically by the system. The reason for deletion is described in the Action column, and the status, date and time are provided in the respective columns.

Updated on 8/13/2020