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Clinician Map

Axxess CARE now provides a clinician map that organizations can use to find available clinicians in their local area.

Clinicians must consent to appear on the clinician map in Axxess CARE. When an organization views the map of available clinicians, a pin will identify the approximate location of each clinician in the area.

Organizations can click on a pin to view the clinician’s profile and contact the clinician by phone or text message.

Access the Clinician Map

To access the map, navigate to the menu on the left side of the screen and select Clinician Map under Admin.

Left-side menu ➜ Admin ➜ Clinician Map

The clinician map will display clinicians:

Who have downloaded the Axxess CARE mobile app


Whose ZIP code matches a ZIP code in the selected area search


Who have consented to have their profile appear on the map


Who have entered their basic information and license type, and had their background check approved

Users can search the map by city, state or ZIP code and filter by discipline to meet their specific needs.

Clinician pins will expand to display a preview of the clinician’s profile.

From the preview, the clinician’s profile can be expanded to view the complete profile.

The List View button is also available in the top-right corner for quick scanning of the available clinicians within the search area.

Clinician Map Consent

Clinicians must consent to appear on the clinician map in Axxess CARE. Clinicians who are currently active on Axxess CARE will be prompted to make a selection regarding profile visibility on the map.

Click OK on the notification to be taken automatically to the Privacy Settings tab to make a selection.

These settings can be changed at any time. To update your privacy settings, edit your clinician profile and navigate to the Privacy Settings tab.

Select one of the following options under Clinician Map:

Show my clinician profile to organizations seeking clinicians in my area.


Show my clinician profile to organizations seeking clinicians in my area, other than my home organization.


Do not show my clinician profile to organizations seeking clinicians in my area.

Updated on 10/27/2021