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Entering a New Medical Client Referral


  An agency has two options to add a Client into Axxess HomeCare. The path you choose will depend on information you receive at time of referral as well as by the processes your agency follows.


The agency has an intake option to enter as a "Referral" or "New Client" for each client that comes into your agency.


To add a new client receiving skilled services as a "Referral" go to Create-> Referral -> Medical Referral


Medical Referral


Medical Referrals include:


If your agency tracks referral sources and it happens to be a physician that referred the client; the intake staff may add the physician to the referral form.


If the physician is not found, the user has the ability to add a New Physician right from the new referral screen. See, "Creating and Managing Physician Information" for further instruction on adding a new Physician into the software


Throughout Axxess HomeCare; field items that require completion to save the document to the database are indicated by a red asterisk to the right of the field.


Items noted with a red asterisk in the Referral Source and Demographics section include:


New Medical Referral


The lower half of the referral information page allows intake staff to indicate services requested; any DME equipment needed;


Services Required


Primary Physician information (this is the doctor that will sign the orders) which may or may not be different than the referring physician. An example of differing referral and primary physicians occurs in many instances when a client is discharged from a hospital. The initial verbal order for start of care order and other comments may be entered in the comments section.


Physician Information


Emergency Contact


Once all the required fields and any additional information is entered the user selects "Save" and the referral is added. All of the information entered on the "Referral" form will transfer onto the new "client" form, after selecting the client to admit under the existing referrals section.


The referral will now be located under the "Clients" tab -> Referrals


From here you are able to view and manage your referrals.