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Category \ Clinical

Although most patients in hospice are discharged due to death, live discharges do occur and are reviewed for each survey. The reasons for live discharge can include extended prognosis, leaving the service area, revocation, transfer to another hospice and discharge … Keep Reading
The relationship between long-term care facilities and hospice organizations can be very fragile. Both entities are responsible for caring for the same patients but under different regulatory guidelines. Effects from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have stressed these relationships further, specifically … Keep Reading
The Social Work Assessment Tool, also known as SWAT, was developed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) to address the requests of social workers in the hospice and palliative practice arenas to have a quantitative analysis for … Keep Reading
Home care organizations are made up of two very different yet integral teams, clinicians and operators. We have explored the differences between the two teams in the first part of our series. To ensure long-term success, it is important for … Keep Reading
At Axxess, we believe that the future of healthcare is in the home. The healing power of home speaks for itself, with the preference of being treated in there rising steadily through the years. You may have heard about home … Keep Reading
The clinicians and operators of your organization must work together toward a shared goal by carrying out their separate roles. We have explored the differences between the two teams in the first part of our series. To ensure long-term success, … Keep Reading
Home care organizations are made up of two teams: clinicians and operators. A successful marriage between these teams is like a pair of glasses. Each lens has a separate focus but only when connected and working together can you achieve … Keep Reading
The Hospice Item Set (HIS) is one aspect of the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) mandated by the Affordable Care Act and the Social Security Act. The HQRP is an initiative to ensure hospices provide quality care for all patients, … Keep Reading
Home care organizations are made up of two teams: clinicians and operators. A successful marriage between these teams is like a pair of glasses. Each lens has a separate focus but only when connected and working together properly can you … Keep Reading
The Hospice Item Set (HIS) is one aspect of the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) that was mandated by the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and set under section 1814(i)(5) of the Social Security Act. The HQRP is an initiative … Keep Reading
Home care organizations are comprised of two very different, integral teams: clinicians responsible for all aspects of client care and administrators who handle activities related to business operations. Clinical quality is when the clinical team operates at a high level … Keep Reading
The Hospice Item Set (HIS) is one aspect of the Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) that was mandated by the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and set under section 1814(i)(5) of the Social Security Act. The HQRP is an initiative … Keep Reading


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