Axxess Home Health will provide an overview in each patient’s chart of their historical diagnoses.
Axxess Home Health will automatically generate patients’ medical record numbers (MRNs).
Axxess Home Health will enable billers to run the Axxess RCM rules engine and validate claims for errors prior to claim submission.
The Payroll Center in Axxess Home Care will feature an updated user interface focused on streamlining payroll processing and exporting.
Axxess Home Care will enable users to sort EVV Exception Center data by exception reason and export it to Excel to manage EVV integration exceptions more effectively.
Axxess Home Care will provide a six-minute walk addendum to improve clinical documentation and client outcomes.
Axxess Hospice will provide a billing setting that will enable organizations to indicate if they want occurrence code 27 to automatically populate on every claim.
Axxess Hospice will provide an Initial/Comprehensive Pediatric Visit note and a Skilled Nursing Pediatric Visit note to accommodate the specific needs of pediatric patients.
Axxess Hospice will identify any visit that was started from within another visit as one payable incident.
Axxess Palliative Care will provide an updated user interface for the Permissions screen to make assigning and adjusting user permissions more seamless.
The Axxess Palliative Care mobile app will enable users to load previously completed visits into current visits.
Axxess Palliative Care will enable users to document relevant hospitalization dates during claim verification.
Axxess Home Health and Axxess Home Care users providing Medicaid services in the state of Kansas will have the ability to use the Axxess EVV integration for transmission of EVV data to the state aggregator.
Axxess Care will enable home healthcare organizations to post CNA visits that need fulfilling.
Axxess Care will support scheduling and staffing for home care organizations. Home care organizations will be able to post visits internally to employees or externally to local clinicians in the Axxess Care application.
When visits are downloaded on Axxess Care before going offline, the following details will be included in the download: Visit History, Wound Manager, Pharmacy, Sticky Notes, Documents.
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