Clinician Contacts List

Axxess CARE now provides a Clinician Contacts feature that lists all clinicians who have been assigned to an organization’s visits.

The list provides an at-a-glance view of each clinician’s name, credentials, phone number, availability and comments, so organizations can easily reach back out to clinicians they’ve worked with in the past.

By giving organizations easy access to all clinicians they’ve partnered with through Axxess CARE, this feature supports ongoing relationships between qualified clinicians and home health organizations, and streamlines visit assignment to ensure care delivery accommodates patients’ needs.

To access your list of clinician contacts, log in to Axxess CARE and select Clinician Contacts under Admin on the left side of the screen.

Click on a clinician’s name to open and review the clinician’s profile. To enter notes or comments for a clinician, click in the Enter Comments field under the Notes column, document the necessary information and click Save.

Updated on 9/09/2020