
AdminThe Admin tab is available based on permissions. If you have this tab, then you have permissions to see Providers, DDE Credentials and Users.


On the left of your screen under the Admin tab, choose Providers. Here is where you can see provider information and select a specific provider to view the demographic information for the selected provider.

DDE Credentials

Select DDE credentials to view your agency’s credentials, add credentials, or update any other credential details.

Axxess does hide your password and in for your safety. However, with permissions, you can click Show to see the Password and Pin information.

Click Edit to make any changes to the password or pin for the designated credentials you chose.

To add new credentials for your agency, select Add Credential.

If your DDE Credentials are not authorized, a flag will appear indicating you need to update your credentials. To update your agency’s credentials in Axxess DDE, either click on the credential link View/Edit Credential or go to the DDE Credential section in the Admin tab and click Edit. Fill out the updated information and click Save. You will be notified when your credentials are active or if your credentials are still not authorized.


The Users section in the Admin tab allows you to view all current users for your agency and Axxess DDE.

You have the ability to edit user permissions by clicking Edit on the right side of the user you want to edit.

You can also add a new user using the New User button in the top right hand corner.